Ana Luisa is a sustainable, high-quality, and mission-driven DTC jewelry company. Ana Luisa's bundling strategy across their PLP, PDP, and mini cart increase their customer’s Average Order Value (AOV) while providing customers with unbeatable savings.
Understanding that customers are not just looking for standalone pieces, Ana Luisa has curated collections of products encouraging customers to buy products in multiples.
In the promotional header of their site, they always feature their bundle 3 and save the bar. This looks similar to a free shipping bar and fills up as the user adds more items to their cart. Once 3 items have been added, they are rewarded with 25% off. If they add two items they unlock 20% off but are encouraged to keep adding more for the 25% discount. There is a bundling promotion also on the PLP and there is a dedicated bundling PLP with pre-curated bundles.
As customers add pieces to their cart, the mini cart slides out and the bundle status bar fills up. There are also cross-sells within the mini cart to make adding more products to an order even easier. The bundle savings is clearly visible in the cart with the original price crossed out and the savings (20% or 25%) shown below the price).
Knowing that jewelry is often gifted, the mini cart offers a gift message. If the customer is unsure what to write, there are pre-written cards for the four main ways people gift on their site: Holiday, Valentines, Birthday, and Mother’s Day. Clicking on the buttons reveals a pre-written response within the gift message box.