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Let’s Talk Sh*t: Why Seed Uses Emails To Educate Their Customer

What We Bought

Seed DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic

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Welcome 15% Discount

Seed develops clinically-studied probiotics to help aid in overall gut health. They take the science behind a healthy microbiome and make it simple for their customers. Seed leverages email marketing to talk about the science behind how the product works and share a step-by-step guide on how a customer should take their product. 

Educational content talking about what’s inside and the benefits of bacteria.

Probiotics can disrupt the digestive system when first taken, so Seed suggests that customers ramp up to their recommended dosage after the first week. In the diagram in their email, Seed shows how customers should start with one capsule on day 1-3 and then take the full dose of 2 pills after that (or whenever the customer is ready). 

In case their customers experience any discomfort during this acclimation period, Seed provides a sense of comfort for their customers by letting them know “this is very normal.” They educate customers about the science behind the synbiotic, specifically how this discomfort means that their products are working. 

Seed's how to email that arrives when the product arrives to provide directions on how to take the synbiotic.

Knowing that customers may still have additional concerns or questions they end their how-to email with the direct email address of their customer service team to add additional support.

Photo Credit:

Thumbnail image courtesy of Seed.com