Hum, a personalized vitamin service that provides monthly shipments of supplements to your doorstep, offers education across the site including on the homepage, product page, and science page.
Knowing that customers take extra care when buying ingestibles, Hum nutrition doesn’t shy away from sharing the science behind the products to establish their credibility.
On the homepage, the company introduces themselves, features products, and reinforces their product’s effectiveness. They highlight key statistics such as ‘62% customers felt reduced stress when taking their Big Chill gummies’.
They break down what’s inside of the products, through engaging ingredient imagery, highlighting what the ingredient is and how it works.
Hum makes reviews even more meaningful for customers, by highlighting how long the customer had taken the supplement before writing the review and their age. This tactic can make reviews feel more relevant to potential customers.
On the science page, Hum goes deeper into the science behind their product formulas and why customers love their products. They highlight the effectiveness of their clinicaly-proven key ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, which improves skin conditions by increasing the moisture content.
They also feature product clinical studies and surface relevant statistics to increase customer’s confidence when purchasing. An example of this is “96% of participants reported improvement in sleep, after 60 days of taking Mighty Night™”.
The science page also breaks down the brand’s approach to personalization, offering certified nutritionist when you take the quiz.