Outdoor clothing and gear brand Fjällräven uses their website as an educational hub for customers to learn the intricacies of product creation, environmental impact, and how to care for their gear so that it lasts a lifetime.
At Fjällräven’s core is an awareness that every action impacts the environment and nature that they strive to protect. The Sustainability Landing Page breaks down the materials used in their products, production processes, and the brand’s ethical standards.
Fjällräven’s Product Care page presents step-by-step instructions to clean and care for their various products based on the type(s) of materials used. When wear and tear does occur, the brand’s How To Repair Your Gear page shares video instructions on repairing products, ranging from changing a zipper to patching a jacket.
Customers seeking professional assistance are directed to the website’s Store Locator where they can locate in-store repair services nearest to them.
Detailed product information is vital for the customer as they decide whether to invest in a Fjällräven product. The brand’s Product Detail Page (PDP) features videos of models wearing the product in motion and bringing it to life. Customers can also use the Fit Finder integration, which recommends a product size based on what customers with similar dimensions purchased. The customer’s Fit Finder size is then saved on the PDP for easy reference when browsing other products.
Fjällräven is committed to environmental stewardship through the Arctic Fox Initiative, which funds annual grants to non-profit organizations that work to protect the environment and promote outdoor experiences. These transformative narratives are presented on the Arctic Fox Initiative page, allowing users to connect with the impactful stories behind the grants.